Since almost all of our competitors including us do not own their own factory to make product. So to attract customers what will be important? All of them are doing same business and selling the same products. After doing this business 2 years I feel that lower cost and faster delivery date are the most common things to be asked. Yes if we sell cheaper we get orders but we do not get profit. Yes if we can deliver faster but there is a limitation.
So now we are trying to build our own brand image. We chose 2 things that we value in this business. Highest quality of products and best customer relation service. For product quality we clarified what is considered as a defect products and what are ok products. It is posted on web site. We also show customer survey result to public. We use 3rd party survey system so that we can not modify result. It is a real message from customer. For customer relationship we have well experienced staff to answer questions from customer. They are not the people who joined a week ago and answering questions.
We will keep this way for sometime. If our industry becomes like airline that consists of high and low price business units then I will need to think again what needs to be our brand image.
By the way we are trying to sell the same products to the US market. We are operating from Japan and are looking for US partner who can provide call center/ customer support / marketing function in the US. Let me know if you are interested in becoming our partner. We will discuss in detail. (My email: kadota* , change * to @)
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